Nursery and Infant School

Nursery and Infant School

The Nursery/Infant School - accredited by the Veneto Region with a score of 100/100 - provides a solid educational foundation for young children through a well balanced curriculum which incorporates sound principles of child development, inserted in a dynamic and stimulating environment.

This peculiar formula promotes, in our younger students, the ability to naturally develop their self-esteem, curiosity and problem solving skills. Numerous educational activities are also planned, along the course of the year, to support and guide children in the learning process and maturation of their full potential.

Aims and objectives
Our aim is to provide a developmentally appropriate and individualised learning environment that enables the children to enjoy their time at school whilst growing physically, emotionally, socially and cognitively. We guide the children to make appropriate choices, stretching their minds with new experiences and daily activities, encouraging the acquisition of moral values, knowledge and the ability to reason, in order to reach their full potential in all academic and social areas of school life.

Our curriculum is based on a key principle of inclusion and action by enabling our students to:

Engage & Ask
Investigate & Create
Share & Reflect

Our curriculum is inspired by the International Baccalaureate PYP curriculum programme, encouraging the children to learn and discover in a collaborative and hands-on setting.
We guide the children to make appropriate choices, stretching their minds with new experiences and daily activities. Our aim is to encourage the acquisition of moral values, knowledge and the ability to reason, in order for our students to reach their full potential in all academic and social fields of school life.